Jeremy Kowing

Like Knowing with a "K"

You know it is deep, you know it means forever


So, I have come to realize I should probably put into writing some words of wisdom for my son given the inevitability of either a killer bee attack, random piano falling from the sky, falling into an open manhole, poisoning from a tainted cheese flavored product, or attack by rabid wolverine which will bring about my early demise. (Note to self: check insurance policy for rabid wolverine attack coverage.) So with no further ado and with the bare minimum of snark:

Dear Son,

You are easily the greatest thing to happen to your mother and I. Every day I am amazed and proud of you. As you grow, things in life are going to happen. Some of them will be good, and bring you joy. Some, however, will not. My dear son, there are times in your life that you are going to hurt.

While it may seem like these times will last forever. They will not. It may feel like you are drowning. You are not. There will be times that it may feel as if the sun will not shine. It will.

If there is one thing I can show you, one thing I can teach you, it is what these times truly are. For you see my love, when you are feeling like you are drowning, or the night will never end, you are merely gaining experience to measure your happiness. The light does not exist with out the dark, pleasure does not exist without pain, and happiness does not exist without sorrow.

My dear boy, you will fall. You will get bumps and bruises. Know this pain is only temporary. The bumps will go down and the bruises will heal. With this I hope you learn resilience. I hope you learn to get back up.

Your heart will be broken. Your feelings will be hurt. Your pride will take its blows. May this teach you how wonderful true love truly is. May you learn to empathize with other’s pain. May you grow to be humble. Your mother and I will always be proud of you.

So here are my hopes for you, my son. I hope you date the girl of your dreams. And as much as it pains me, I hope your heart gets broken. For from this broken heart you will learn the depths of how much you can truly care. In time you will find a woman who returns your affections. When this happens you will know how good it is, because you have felt the bad.

I would love to protect you, to keep you always safe from harm. But, you see my dear, life is messy, life is dirty, and life is hard. But life is also beautiful, life is wonderful, and life is an amazing gift. Your life has truly been the greatest to mine.

So, may your dreams come true, may your feet stay grounded, and may your head stay in the clouds. May your years be many, may laughs be abundant, and may your pain only last long enough to show you how happy you can be. Most of all, my child, may you always know that your mother and I love you.

We have hurt, we have fallen, and we have felt pain. Our hearts have been broken, our prides have been torn, and our tears have been shed. So, when we say I love you, you know it is true. You know it is deep, and you know it means forever.

Love always,


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